Cryo-EM consensus map of the dimeric human CAF1-H3-H4 complex
Single-particle5.9 Å

Map released: 16/08/2023
Last modified: 06/09/2023
Sample Organism:
Homo sapiens
Sample: Dimeric CAF1-H3-H4 complex
Deposition Authors: Liu CP
Yu ZY,
Sample: Dimeric CAF1-H3-H4 complex
Deposition Authors: Liu CP

Structural insights into histone binding and nucleosome assembly by chromatin assembly factor-1.
Liu CP
Yu Z,
Xiong J
Hu J
Song A
Ding D
Yu C,
Yang N
Wang M
Yu J
Hou P
Zeng K,
Li Z,
Zhang Z
Zhang X
Li W
Zhang Z
Zhu B
Li G
(2023) Science , 381 , eadd8673 - eadd8673

(2023) Science , 381 , eadd8673 - eadd8673
Chromatin inheritance entails de novo nucleosome assembly after DNA replication by chromatin assembly factor-1 (CAF-1). Yet direct knowledge about CAF-1's histone binding mode and nucleosome assembly process is lacking. In this work, we report the crystal structure of human CAF-1 in the absence of histones and the cryo-electron microscopy structure of CAF-1 in complex with histones H3 and H4. One histone H3-H4 heterodimer is bound by one CAF-1 complex mainly through the p60 subunit and the acidic domain of the p150 subunit. We also observed a dimeric CAF-1-H3-H4 supercomplex in which two H3-H4 heterodimers are poised for tetramer assembly and discovered that CAF-1 facilitates right-handed DNA wrapping of H3-H4 tetramers. These findings signify the involvement of DNA in H3-H4 tetramer formation and suggest a right-handed nucleosome precursor in chromatin replication.
Chromatin inheritance entails de novo nucleosome assembly after DNA replication by chromatin assembly factor-1 (CAF-1). Yet direct knowledge about CAF-1's histone binding mode and nucleosome assembly process is lacking. In this work, we report the crystal structure of human CAF-1 in the absence of histones and the cryo-electron microscopy structure of CAF-1 in complex with histones H3 and H4. One histone H3-H4 heterodimer is bound by one CAF-1 complex mainly through the p60 subunit and the acidic domain of the p150 subunit. We also observed a dimeric CAF-1-H3-H4 supercomplex in which two H3-H4 heterodimers are poised for tetramer assembly and discovered that CAF-1 facilitates right-handed DNA wrapping of H3-H4 tetramers. These findings signify the involvement of DNA in H3-H4 tetramer formation and suggest a right-handed nucleosome precursor in chromatin replication.