
2.6 Å
EMD-37862 Deposition: 21/10/2023
Map released: 27/03/2024
Last modified: 19/06/2024
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Cryo-EM structure of H. thermophilus GroEL-GroES2 asymmetric football complex


2.6 Å
EMD-37862 Deposition: 21/10/2023
Map released: 27/03/2024
Last modified: 19/06/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Hydrogenobacter thermophilus TK-6
Sample: H. thermophilus GroEL-GroES2 Asymmetric football complex
Fitted models: 8wuw (Avg. Q-score: 0.444)
Raw data: EMPIAR-11901

Deposition Authors: Liao Z , Gopalasingam CC, Kameya M, Gerle C , Shigematsu H , Ishii M, Arakawa T, Fushinobu S
Structural insights into thermophilic chaperonin complexes.
Liao Z , Gopalasingam CC, Kameya M, Gerle C , Shigematsu H , Ishii M, Arakawa T, Fushinobu S
(2024) Structure , 32 , 679 - 689.e4
PUBMED: 38492570
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.str.2024.02.012
ISSN: 0969-2126
Group I chaperonins are dual heptamer protein complexes that play significant roles in protein homeostasis. The structure and function of the Escherichia coli chaperonin are well characterized. However, the dynamic properties of chaperonins, such as large ATPase-dependent conformational changes by binding of lid-like co-chaperonin GroES, have made structural analyses challenging, and our understanding of these changes during the turnover of chaperonin complex formation is limited. In this study, we used single-particle cryogenic electron microscopy to investigate the structures of GroES-bound chaperonin complexes from the thermophilic hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria Hydrogenophilus thermoluteolus and Hydrogenobacter thermophilus in the presence of ATP and AMP-PNP. We captured the structure of an intermediate state chaperonin complex, designated as an asymmetric football-shaped complex, and performed analyses to decipher the dynamic structural variations. Our structural analyses of inter- and intra-subunit communications revealed a unique mechanism of complex formation through the binding of a second GroES to a bullet-shaped complex.