
3.15 Å
EMD-40778 Deposition: 13/05/2023
Map released: 27/03/2024
Last modified: 27/03/2024
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


E. coli SIR2-HerA complex (dodecamer SIR2 bound 4 protomers of HerA)


3.15 Å
EMD-40778 Deposition: 13/05/2023
Map released: 27/03/2024
Last modified: 27/03/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Escherichia coli
Sample: SIR2-HerA complex(dodecomaer SIR2 bound with four protomers of HerA)
Fitted models: 8suw (Avg. Q-score: 0.439)

Deposition Authors: Shen ZF, Lin QP, Fu TM
Assembly-mediated activation of the SIR2-HerA supramolecular complex for anti-phage defense.
Shen Z , Lin Q, Yang XY, Fosuah E , Fu TM
(2023) Mol Cell , 83 , 4586 - 4599.e5
PUBMED: 38096827
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2023.11.007
ISSN: 1097-2765
SIR2-HerA, a bacterial two-protein anti-phage defense system, induces bacterial death by depleting NAD+ upon phage infection. Biochemical reconstitution of SIR2, HerA, and the SIR2-HerA complex reveals a dynamic assembly process. Unlike other ATPases, HerA can form various oligomers, ranging from dimers to nonamers. When assembled with SIR2, HerA forms a hexamer and converts SIR2 from a nuclease to an NAD+ hydrolase, representing an unexpected regulatory mechanism mediated by protein assembly. Furthermore, high concentrations of ATP can inhibit NAD+ hydrolysis by the SIR2-HerA complex. Cryo-EM structures of the SIR2-HerA complex reveal a giant supramolecular assembly up to 1 MDa, with SIR2 as a dodecamer and HerA as a hexamer, crucial for anti-phage defense. Unexpectedly, the HerA hexamer resembles a spiral staircase and exhibits helicase activities toward dual-forked DNA. Together, we reveal the supramolecular assembly of SIR2-HerA as a unique mechanism for switching enzymatic activities and bolstering anti-phage defense strategies.