
EMD-51424 Deposition: 25/08/2024
Map released: 09/10/2024
Last modified: 30/10/2024
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Tomogram of pyrenoid of T. pseudonana Shell4 knock-out


EMD-51424 Deposition: 25/08/2024
Map released: 09/10/2024
Last modified: 30/10/2024
Overview Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: T. pseudonana
Sample: T. pseudonana shell4 KO

Deposition Authors: Demulder M, Engel B
A protein blueprint of the diatom CO 2 -fixing organelle.
PUBMED: 39368476
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.cell.2024.09.025
ISSN: 1097-4172
Diatoms are central to the global carbon cycle. At the heart of diatom carbon fixation is an overlooked organelle called the pyrenoid, where concentrated CO2 is delivered to densely packed Rubisco. Diatom pyrenoids fix approximately one-fifth of global CO2, but the protein composition of this organelle is largely unknown. Using fluorescence protein tagging and affinity purification-mass spectrometry, we generate a high-confidence spatially defined protein-protein interaction network for the diatom pyrenoid. Within our pyrenoid interaction network are 10 proteins with previously unknown functions. We show that six of these form a shell that encapsulates the Rubisco matrix and is critical for pyrenoid structural integrity, shape, and function. Although not conserved at a sequence or structural level, the diatom pyrenoid shares some architectural similarities to prokaryotic carboxysomes. Collectively, our results support the convergent evolution of pyrenoids across the two main plastid lineages and uncover a major structural and functional component of global CO2 fixation.