
7.8 Å
EMD-5566 Deposition: 09/01/2013
Map released: 10/04/2013
Last modified: 01/05/2013
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Icosahedral reconstruction (map 1/8): Visualization of Uncorrelated Tandem Symmetry Mismatches in the Internal Genome Packaging Apparatus of a dsDNA Virus


7.8 Å
EMD-5566 Deposition: 09/01/2013
Map released: 10/04/2013
Last modified: 01/05/2013
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Enterobacteria phage T7
Sample: Bacteriophage T710A capsid I

Deposition Authors: Guo F, Liu Z, Vago F, Ren Y, Wu W, Wright E, Serwer P, Jiang W
Visualization of uncorrelated, tandem symmetry mismatches in the internal genome packaging apparatus of bacteriophage T7.
Guo F, Liu Z, Vago F, Ren Y, Wu W, Wright ET, Serwer P, Jiang W
(2013) PNAS , 110 , 6811 - 6816