
6.21 Å
EMD-14384 Deposition: 18/02/2022
Map released: 16/11/2022
Last modified: 17/07/2024
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Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Mammalian Dicer in the dicing state with pre-miR-15a substrate


6.21 Å
EMD-14384 Deposition: 18/02/2022
Map released: 16/11/2022
Last modified: 17/07/2024
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Mus musculus
Sample: Dicing state of mouse oocyte dicer with pre-miR-15a
Fitted models: 7yyn (Avg. Q-score: 0.133)

Deposition Authors: Zanova M, Zapletal D
Structural and functional basis of mammalian microRNA biogenesis by Dicer.
PUBMED: 36332606
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.molcel.2022.10.010
ISSN: 1097-2765
MicroRNA (miRNA) and RNA interference (RNAi) pathways rely on small RNAs produced by Dicer endonucleases. Mammalian Dicer primarily supports the essential gene-regulating miRNA pathway, but how it is specifically adapted to miRNA biogenesis is unknown. We show that the adaptation entails a unique structural role of Dicer's DExD/H helicase domain. Although mice tolerate loss of its putative ATPase function, the complete absence of the domain is lethal because it assures high-fidelity miRNA biogenesis. Structures of murine Dicer•-miRNA precursor complexes revealed that the DExD/H domain has a helicase-unrelated structural function. It locks Dicer in a closed state, which facilitates miRNA precursor selection. Transition to a cleavage-competent open state is stimulated by Dicer-binding protein TARBP2. Absence of the DExD/H domain or its mutations unlocks the closed state, reduces substrate selectivity, and activates RNAi. Thus, the DExD/H domain structurally contributes to mammalian miRNA biogenesis and underlies mechanistical partitioning of miRNA and RNAi pathways.