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Structure of Fanconi anaemia core complex (consensus map)

Release date: Nov. 6, 2019
Resolution: 4.2 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 6sri
Q-score: 0.112

Shakeel S, Rajendra E, Alcon P, O'Reilly F, Chorev DS, Maslen S, Degliesposti G, Russo CJ, He S, Hill CH, Skehel JM, Scheres SHW, Patel KJ, Rappsilber J, Robinson CV, Passmore LA

Nature (2019) 575 pp. 234-237 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1703-4 Pubmed: 31666700 ]

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Structure of the Fanconi anaemia core subcomplex

Release date: Nov. 6, 2019
Resolution: 4.6 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 6srs
Q-score: 0.135

Shakeel S, Rajendra E, Alcon P, O'Reilly F, Chorev DS, Maslen S, Degliesposti G, Russo CJ, He S, Hill CH, Skehel JM, Scheres SHW, Patel KJ, Rappsilber J, Robinson CV, Passmore LA

Nature (2019) 575 pp. 234-237 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1703-4 Pubmed: 31666700 ]

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