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CryoEM structure of A2296-methylated Mycobacterium tuberculosis ribosome bound with SEQ-9

Release date: Jan. 19, 2022
Resolution: 2.7 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7kgb
Q-score: 0.576

Zhang J, Lair C, Roubert C, Amaning K, Barrio MB, Benedetti Y, Cui Z, Xing Z, Li X, Franzblau SG, Baurin N, Bordon-Pallier F, Cantalloube C, Sans S, Silve S, Blanc I, Fraisse L, Rak A, Jenner LB, Yusupova G, Yusupov M, Zhang J, Kaneko T, Yang TJ, Fotouhi N, Nuermberger E, Tyagi S, Betoudji F, Upton A, Sacchettini JC, Lagrange S

Cell (2023) [ Pubmed: 36827973 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.cell.2023.01.043 ]

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