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Structure of the 70S ribosome with tRNAs in hybrid state 2 (H2)

Release date: Nov. 17, 2021
Resolution: 9.5 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7pju
Q-score: 0.143

Petrychenko V, Peng BZ, de A P Schwarzer AC, Peske F, Rodnina MV, Fischer N

Nat Commun (2021) 12 pp. 5933-5933 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26133-x Pubmed: 34635670 ]

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Structure of the 70S-EF-G-GDP-Pi ribosome complex with tRNAs in hybrid state 1 (H1-EF-G-GDP-Pi)

Release date: Oct. 20, 2021
Resolution: 3.1 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7pjv
Q-score: 0.514

Petrychenko V, Peng BZ, de A P Schwarzer AC, Peske F, Rodnina MV, Fischer N

Nat Commun (2021) 12 pp. 5933-5933 [ Pubmed: 34635670 DOI: doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26133-x ]

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Structure of the 70S-EF-G-GDP ribosome complex with tRNAs in chimeric state 1 (CHI1-EF-G-GDP)

Release date: Oct. 20, 2021
Resolution: 3.1 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7pjy
Q-score: 0.466

Petrychenko V, Peng BZ, de A P Schwarzer AC, Peske F, Rodnina MV, Fischer N

Nat Commun (2021) 12 pp. 5933-5933 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/s41467-021-26133-x Pubmed: 34635670 ]

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