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sample_name:"50S ribosomal protein L33" AND author_name:"Paleskava A" AND sample_type:"rna" AND author_name:"Grubmuller H" AND resolution:[4 TO 5}
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Structure of SelB-Sec-tRNASec bound to the 70S ribosome in the codon reading state (CR)

Release date: Nov. 23, 2016
Resolution: 4.8 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 5lzc
Q-score: 0.251

Fischer N, Neumann P, Bock LV, Maracci C, Wang Z, Paleskava A, Konevega AL, Schroder GF, Grubmuller H, Ficner R, Rodnina MV, Stark H

Nature (2016) 540 pp. 80-85 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/nature20560 Pubmed: 27842381 ]

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Structure of the 70S ribosome with fMetSec-tRNASec in the hybrid pre-translocation state (H)

Release date: Nov. 23, 2016
Resolution: 4.6 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 5lzf
Q-score: 0.279

Fischer N, Neumann P, Bock LV, Maracci C, Wang Z, Paleskava A, Konevega AL, Schroder GF, Grubmuller H, Ficner R, Rodnina MV, Stark H

Nature (2016) 540 pp. 80-85 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/nature20560 Pubmed: 27842381 ]

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