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Ternary complex of translating ribosome, NAC and METAP1

Release date: July 19, 2023
Resolution: 2.9 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 8p2k
Q-score: 0.483

Gamerdinger M, Jia M, Schloemer R, Rabl L, Jaskolowski M, Khakzar KM, Ulusoy Z, Wallisch A, Jomaa A, Hunaeus G, Scaiola A, Diederichs K, Ban N, Deuerling E

Science (2023) 380 pp. 1238-1243 [ DOI: doi:10.1126/science.adg3297 Pubmed: 37347872 ]

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State B of the human mitoribosomal large subunit assembly intermediate

Release date: June 23, 2021
Resolution: 3.1 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7ods
Q-score: 0.425

Lenarcic T, Jaskolowski M, Leibundgut M, Scaiola A, Schonhut T, Saurer M, Lee RG, Rackham O, Filipovska A, Ban N

Nat Commun (2021) 12 pp. 3671-3671 [ Pubmed: 34135320 DOI: doi:10.1038/s41467-021-23811-8 ]

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