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Large subunit of the human mitochondrial ribosome in complex with Virginiamycin M and Quinupristin

Release date: July 8, 2020
Resolution: 3.9 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 6i9r
Q-score: 0.374

Sighel D, Notarangelo M, Aibara S, Re A, Ricci G, Guida M, Soldano A, Adami V, Ambrosini C, Broso F, Rosatti EF, Longhi S, Buccarelli M, D'Alessandris QG, Giannetti S, Pacioni S, Ricci-Vitiani L, Rorbach J, Pallini R, Roulland S, Amunts A, Mancini I, Modelska A, Quattrone A

Cell Rep (2021) 35 pp. 109024-109024 [ Pubmed: 33910005 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109024 ]

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