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Mitochondrial complex I in the deactive state

Release date: Jan. 17, 2018
Resolution: 4.13 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 5o31
Q-score: 0.352

Blaza JN, Vinothkumar KR, Hirst J

Structure (2018) 26 pp. 312-319.e3 [ Pubmed: 29395787 DOI: doi:10.1016/j.str.2017.12.014 ]

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Structure of mammalian respiratory Complex I, class3.

Release date: Sept. 14, 2016
Resolution: 5.6 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 5ldx
Q-score: 0.191

Zhu J, Vinothkumar KR, Hirst J

Nature (2016) 536 pp. 354-358 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/nature19095 Pubmed: 27509854 ]

Sample: [Show more]

Structure of mammalian respiratory Complex I, class2

Release date: Sept. 7, 2016
Resolution: 4.35 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 5lc5
Q-score: 0.311

Zhu J, Vinothkumar KR, Hirst J

Nature (2016) 536 pp. 354-358 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/nature19095 Pubmed: 27509854 ]

Sample: [Show more]

Structure of mammalian respiratory Complex I, class1

Release date: Sept. 7, 2016
Resolution: 4.27 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 5ldw
Q-score: 0.33

Zhu J, Vinothkumar KR, Hirst J

Nature (2016) 536 pp. 354-358 [ Pubmed: 27509854 DOI: doi:10.1038/nature19095 ]

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