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sample_name:"P-tRNA (leu)" AND sample_type:"ligand"
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Structure of ErmDL-Erythromycin-stalled 70S E. coli ribosomal complex with A and P-tRNA

Release date: Aug. 11, 2021
Resolution: 3.5 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 7nsp
Q-score: 0.448

Beckert B, Leroy EC, Sothiselvam S, Bock LV, Svetlov MS, Graf M, Arenz S, Abdelshahid M, Seip B, Grubmuller H, Mankin AS, Innis CA, Vazquez-Laslop N, Wilson DN

Nat Commun (2021) 12 pp. 4466-4466 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/s41467-021-24674-9 Pubmed: 34294725 ]

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Cryo-EM structure of the ABCF protein VmlR bound to the Bacillus subtilis ribosome

Release date: Aug. 29, 2018
Resolution: 3.5 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 6ha8
Q-score: 0.389

Crowe-McAuliffe C, Graf M, Huter P, Takada H, Abdelshahid M, Novacek J, Murina V, Atkinson GC, Hauryliuk V, Wilson DN

PNAS (2018) 115 pp. 8978-8983 [ Pubmed: 30126986 DOI: doi:10.1073/pnas.1808535115 ]

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