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Retapamulin and Capreomycin bound to the 50S subunit

Release date: July 26, 2023
Resolution: 1.83 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 8ceu
Q-score: 0.756

Paternoga H, Crowe-McAuliffe C, Bock LV, Koller TO, Morici M, Beckert B, Myasnikov AG, Grubmuller H, Novacek J, Wilson DN

Nat Struct Mol Biol (2023) 30 pp. 1380-1392 [ DOI: doi:10.1038/s41594-023-01047-y Pubmed: 37550453 ]

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Kasugamycin bound to the 30S body

Release date: July 19, 2023
Resolution: 2.04 Å
EM Method: Single-particle
Fitted PDBs: 8cep
Q-score: 0.734

Paternoga H, Crowe-McAuliffe C, Bock LV, Koller TO, Morici M, Beckert B, Myasnikov AG, Grubmuller H, Novacek J, Wilson DN

Nat Struct Mol Biol (2023) 30 pp. 1380-1392 [ Pubmed: 37550453 DOI: doi:10.1038/s41594-023-01047-y ]

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