A cell that stores and secretes pancreatic polypeptide hormone.
This extended description was generated by ChatGPT and reviewed by the CellGuide team, who added references, and by the CL editors, who approved it for inclusion in CL. It may contain information that applies only to some subtypes and species, and so should not be considered definitional. PP cells, also known as pancreatic polypeptide cells (and previously called F cells or gamma cells), are enteroendocrine cells predominantly found in the islets of Langerhans in the head of the pancreas. They are one of the four main endocrine cell types present in the pancreatic islets, along with type A, B and D cells. PP cells are notable for their production of pancreatic polypeptide, an anorexigenic hormone that modulates food intake and energy homeostasis. By secreting pancreatic polypeptide, PP cells play a significant role in the management of both digestive and appetite regulation. Upon ingestion of food, there is a significant increase in the secretion of pancreatic polypeptide, which then reduces biliary secretion and helps slow down the movement of food through the digestive tract. This allows more time for digestion to take place and nutrients to be absorbed, promoting the efficient use of dietary intake. The pancreatic polypeptide further reduces appetite by interacting with the hypothalamus, the area of the brain responsible for control of hunger. Given their important role in digestion, malfunction or damage to PP cells can lead to a disturbance in the digestive process and contribute to some disease conditions. For example, an overproduction of pancreatic polypeptide can result in conditions such as pancreatic tumors and diabetes. Conversely, an under secretion might contribute to obesity due to impaired dietary control. Furthermore, PP cells may also play a role in the body's energy balance, suggesting their implication in conditions related to energy metabolism.