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central memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell

CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell with the phenotype CCR7-positive, CD127-positive, CD45RA-negative, CD45RO-positive, and CD25-negative.

This cell type is compatible with the HIPC Lyoplate markers for 'central memory CD4+ T cell', but includes additional markers known to be expressed on central memory CD4+ T cells.

Also appears inhcaomicroprideefomp + 3
Exact Synonyms
central CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell
central CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T lymphocyte
central CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T-cell
central CD4-positive, alpha-beta memory T-lymphocyte
central memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T lymphocyte
central memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T-cell
central memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T-lymphocyte
Broad Synonyms
central memory CD4+ T cell