A fibromuscular tubular tract leading from the uterus to the exterior of the body in female placental mammals and marsupials, or to the cloaca in female birds, monotremes, and some reptiles[WP].
Related Synonyms
distal oviductal region
distal portion of oviduct
class Information
'The distal end of the oviducts differentiates as a vagina in Metatheria and Eutheria.' Liem KF, Bemis WE, Walker WF, Grande L, Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective, Third Edition (2001) Orlando Fla.: Harcourt College Publishers, p.688
- Organ with organ cavity which connects the cervical canal of uterus to the vestibule of vagina.[FMA]
- The genital canal in the female, leading from the opening of the vulva to the cervix of the uterus. [TFD][VHOG]
- vaginabto
- CALOHA:TS-1103
- obsolete_vaginaefo
- vaginaemapa
- EV:0100117
- Vaginafma
- GAID:381
- galen:Vagina
- vaginama
- MAT:0000128
- MESH:D014621
- MIAA:0000128
- Vaginancit
- SCTID:181441005
- UMLS:C0042232
- VHOG:0001138
- Wikipedia:Vagina
The distal end of the oviducts differentiates as a vagina in Metatheria and Eutheria.[well established][VHOG]
class Relations
Subclass of
Related from
part of
- vagina squamous cellcl
- lower part of vagina
- vaginal vein
- vagina squamous epithelium
- vaginal hymen
- vaginal sphincter
- mucosa of vagina
- muscular layer of vagina
- vagina smooth muscle
- vagina orifice
- vagina sebaceous gland
- epithelium of vagina
- fornix of vagina
- lumen of vagina
- vaginal venous plexus
- wall of vagina
- lamina propria of vagina
- upper part of vagina
- rugal fold of vagina
contributes to morphology of
continuous with
proximal to
located in
results in development of