C19 H28 N7 O24 P5
Standard InChI
InChI=1S/C19H28N7O24P5/c20-15-10-16(22-5-21-15)26(6-23-10)18-14(31)12(29)8(46-18)4-44-52(35,36)48-54(39,40)50-55(41,42)4...Show more
Standard InChI Key
c1nc(c2c(n1)n(cn2)[C@H]3[C@@H]([C@@H]([C@H](O3)CO[P@](=O)(O)...Show more
Source OpenEye
First observed in
Overall view, and highlighted
scaffolds and fragments 
This image gallery displays several views of the ligand structure:
- Basic Structural Representation: Shows the overall structure of the ligand.
- Detailed Structural Representation: Highlights individual atoms within the ligand.
- Murcko Scaffold: Presents the scaffold of the ligand highlighted in yellow.
- Highlighted Fragments: Displays various ligand fragments, highlighted in yellow.
This image gallery displays several views of the ligand structure:
- Basic Structural Representation: Shows the overall structure of the ligand.
- Detailed Structural Representation: Highlights individual atoms within the ligand.
- Murcko Scaffold: Presents the scaffold of the ligand highlighted in yellow.
- Highlighted Fragments: Displays various ligand fragments, highlighted in yellow.
Displayed: 1 / 2
Physicochemical properties
Molecular propertiesMolecular weight 893.0 DaLabute accessible surface area 342.3 Å 2Heavy atoms 55Heteroatoms 36Carbon SP3 value 0.5Wildman-Crippen molar refractivity 165.5Wildman-Crippen Log P -2.2
Total mass of the molecule in Daltons
Accessible surface area according to the Labute's definition
Number of non-hydrogen atoms
Number of non-oxygen and non-carbon atoms
Fraction of C atoms that are SP3 hybridized
Wildman-Crippen molar refractivity is a common descriptor accounting for molecular size and polarizability
Octanol/Water partition coefficient predicted using Wildman-Crippen method
Conformational propertiesRotatable bonds 26
Number of single bonds, not part of a ring bound to a nonterminal heavy atom
Ring propertiesAromatic rings 3Rings 5Aliphatic rings 2Heterocycles 5Saturated rings 2Aromatic heterocycles 3Saturated heterocycles 2Aliphatic heterocycles 2Spiro atoms 0Bridgehead atoms 0
Number of aromatic rings
Number of rings
Number of aliphatic rings
Number or rings with at least two different elements
Number of saturated rings
Number of aromatic heterocyles
Number of saturated heterocyles
Number of aliphatic heterocycles
Atoms shared between rings that share exactly one atom
Number of atoms shared between rings that share at least two bonds
Surface propertiesTopological surface area 465.7
Topological surface area
Functional group propertiesHydrogen bond donors 11Hydrogen bond acceptors 30Amide bonds 0
Number of hydrogen bond donors
Number of hydrogen bond acceptors
Number of amide bonds
Stereochemical propertiesStereocenters 13
Number of atoms with four attachments different from each other
Bound structures
Found as a bound ligand in 1 distinct proteins and 1 PDB Structures. Group data by:
1 to 1 of 1. Page 1 of 1
Page Size:
Protein name
UMP-CMP kinase
PDB-KB Proteins
EC number
Ligand annotation
Total structures
Items per page:
1 – 1 of 1
Interaction statistics
Ligand atoms
Sort by:
Ligand interactions 
Percentage of interactions by ligand atom compared to the total interactions of the ligand
Amino acid interactions 
Percentage of interactions between ligand atom-amino acid pair compared to the total interactions of the amino acid
Atom-wise interactions of UP5 molecule 
Percentage of interactions by ligand atom compared to the total interactions of the ligand
Percentage of interactions by ligand atom compared to the total interactions of the ligand
Ligand-specific databases
Probes And Drugs