
Subtomogram averaging
42.0 Å
EMD-2330 Deposition: 11/03/2013
Map released: 21/08/2013
Last modified: 25/09/2013
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links


Electron cryo-tomography reconstruction and subvolume averaging of the proximal basal body triplet from Trichonympha


Subtomogram averaging
42.0 Å
EMD-2330 Deposition: 11/03/2013
Map released: 21/08/2013
Last modified: 25/09/2013
Overview 3D View Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Trichonympha
Sample: electron cryo-tomography reconstruction and subvolume averaging of the proximal basal body triplet from trichonympha

Deposition Authors: Guichard P , Hachet V, Majubu N, Neves A , Demurtas D, Olieric N , Fluckiger I, Yamada A, Kihara K , Nishida Y, Moriya S , Steinmetz MO , Hongoh Y, Gonczy P
Native architecture of the centriole proximal region reveals features underlying its 9-fold radial symmetry.