
25.0 Å
EMD-2893 Deposition: 08/02/2015
Map released: 13/01/2016
Last modified: 17/02/2016
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Cryo-Molecular electron tomography of complex of human non-immune soluble pentameric IgM and PfEMP1-IT4Var60 in 1:1 ratio


25.0 Å
EMD-2893 Deposition: 08/02/2015
Map released: 13/01/2016
Last modified: 17/02/2016
Overview Sample Experiment Validation Volume Browser Additional data Links
Sample Organism: Plasmodium falciparum
Sample: Human pentameric IgM-PfEMP1 complex in 1:1 ratio str5

Deposition Authors: Akhouri RR, Goel S, Furusho H, Skoglund U, Wahlgren M
Architecture of Human IgM in Complex with P. falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1.
Akhouri RR , Goel S, Furusho H , Skoglund U , Wahlgren M
(2016) Cell Rep , 14 , 723 - 736