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Structural basis of CD8 coreceptor function revealed by crystallographic analysis of a murine CD8alphaalpha ectodomain fragment in complex with H-2Kb.


The crystal structure of the two immunoglobulin variable-like domains of the murine CD8alphaalpha homodimer complexed to the class I MHC H-2Kb molecule at 2.8 A resolution shows that CD8alphaalpha binds to the protruding MHC alpha3 domain loop in an antibody-like manner. Comparison of mouse CD8alphaalpha/H-2Kb and human CD8alphaalpha/HLA-A2 complexes reveals shared as well as species-specific recognition features. In both species, coreceptor function apparently involves the participation of CD8 dimer in a bidentate attachment to an MHC class I molecule in conjunction with a T cell receptor without discernable conformational alteration of the peptide or MHC antigen-presenting platform.

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