1lhn Citations

Steroid ligands bind human sex hormone-binding globulin in specific orientations and produce distinct changes in protein conformation.

J Biol Chem 277 32086-93 (2002)
Related entries: 1lho, 1lhu, 1lhv

Cited: 35 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 12065592


The amino-terminal laminin G-like domain of human sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) contains a single high affinity steroid-binding site. Crystal structures of this domain in complex with several different steroid ligands have revealed that estradiol occupies the SHBG steroid-binding site in an opposite orientation when compared with 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone or C19 androgen metabolites (5 alpha-androstan-3 beta,17 beta-diol and 5 alpha-androstan-3 beta,17 alpha-diol) or the synthetic progestin levonorgestrel. Substitution of specific residues within the SHBG steroid-binding site confirmed that Ser(42) plays a key role in determining high affinity interactions by hydrogen bonding to functional groups at C3 of the androstanediols and levonorgestrel and the hydroxyl at C17 of estradiol. Among residues participating in the hydrogen bond network with hydroxy groups at C17 of C19 steroids or C3 of estradiol, Asp(65) appears to be the most important. The different binding mode of estradiol is associated with a difference in the position/orientation of residues (Leu(131) and Lys(134)) in the loop segment (Leu(131)-His(136)) that covers the steroid-binding site as well as others (Leu(171)-Lys(173) and Trp(84)) on the surface of human SHBG and may provide a basis for ligand-dependent interactions between SHBG and other macromolecules. These new crystal structures have also enabled us to construct a simple space-filling model that can be used to predict the characteristics of novel SHBG ligands.

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Reviews citing this publication (10)

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  2. Plasma steroid-binding proteins: primary gatekeepers of steroid hormone action. Hammond GL. J Endocrinol 230 R13-25 (2016)
  3. A Reappraisal of Testosterone's Binding in Circulation: Physiological and Clinical Implications. Goldman AL, Bhasin S, Wu FCW, Krishna M, Matsumoto AM, Jasuja R. Endocr Rev 38 302-324 (2017)
  4. Interactions of sex hormone-binding globulin with target cells. Rosner W, Hryb DJ, Kahn SM, Nakhla AM, Romas NA. Mol Cell Endocrinol 316 79-85 (2010)
  5. Intracrine androgen biosynthesis, metabolism and action revisited. Schiffer L, Arlt W, Storbeck KH. Mol Cell Endocrinol 465 4-26 (2018)
  6. Sex hormone-binding globulin gene expression in the liver: drugs and the metabolic syndrome. Pugeat M, Nader N, Hogeveen K, Raverot G, Déchaud H, Grenot C. Mol Cell Endocrinol 316 53-59 (2010)
  7. Structural analyses of sex hormone-binding globulin reveal novel ligands and function. Avvakumov GV, Cherkasov A, Muller YA, Hammond GL. Mol Cell Endocrinol 316 13-23 (2010)
  8. Structure/function analyses of human sex hormone-binding globulin: effects of zinc on steroid-binding specificity. Hammond GL, Avvakumov GV, Muller YA. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 85 195-200 (2003)
  9. Testosterone Retention Mechanism in Sertoli Cells: A Biochemical Perspective. Gill-Sharma MK. Open Biochem J 12 103-112 (2018)
  10. The Roles of Androgens in Humans: Biology, Metabolic Regulation and Health. Alemany M. Int J Mol Sci 23 11952 (2022)

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