1os9 Citations

X-ray structures of binary and ternary enzyme-product-inhibitor complexes of matrix metalloproteinases.

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 42 2673-6 (2003)
Cited: 16 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 12813751

Articles - 1os9 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Conformational variability of matrix metalloproteinases: beyond a single 3D structure. Bertini I, Calderone V, Cosenza M, Fragai M, Lee YM, Luchinat C, Mangani S, Terni B, Turano P. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102 5334-5339 (2005)
  2. Analysis of X-ray structures of matrix metalloproteinases via chaotic map clustering. Giangreco I, Nicolotti O, Carotti A, De Carlo F, Gargano G, Bellotti R. BMC Bioinformatics 11 500 (2010)

Reviews citing this publication (3)

  1. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs): chemical-biological functions and (Q)SARs. Verma RP, Hansch C. Bioorg Med Chem 15 2223-2268 (2007)
  2. Future challenges facing the development of specific active-site-directed synthetic inhibitors of MMPs. Cuniasse P, Devel L, Makaritis A, Beau F, Georgiadis D, Matziari M, Yiotakis A, Dive V. Biochimie 87 393-402 (2005)
  3. Matrix metalloproteinase 12 silencing: a therapeutic approach to treat pathological lung tissue remodeling? Garbacki N, Di Valentin E, Piette J, Cataldo D, Crahay C, Colige A. Pulm Pharmacol Ther 22 267-278 (2009)

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