2wpj Citations

Structural basis of the cofactor- and substrate-assisted activation of human coagulation factor IXa.

Structure 17 1669-1678 (2009)
Related entries: 2wph, 2wpi, 2wpk, 2wpl, 2wpm

Cited: 33 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 20004170


Human coagulation factor IX serves both to maintain and to control blood coagulation. The dual function of this hemophilic factor is implemented by a tiered activation mechanism. Processed two-chain factor IXa is catalytically silent; only together with its cofactor VIIIa does factor IXa form the highly potent Xase complex. The detailed mechanism of this secondary activation has remained elusive so far. Here we present the crystal structures of Xase-like factor IXa mutants with several-thousand-fold activity enhancement that mimic the secondary activation by Xase formation. The structures reveal how cofactor-triggered and substrate-assisted modulations in the factor IXa 99- and 60-loops cooperate in S4 through S2' formation, allowing for productive substrate recognition. We could further physically map and visualize a distinct communication line, along which agonists such as Ca(2+) direct their effects to the active site and vice versa.

Articles - 2wpj mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Single synonymous mutation in factor IX alters protein properties and underlies haemophilia B. Simhadri VL, Hamasaki-Katagiri N, Lin BC, Hunt R, Jha S, Tseng SC, Wu A, Bentley AA, Zichel R, Lu Q, Zhu L, Freedberg DI, Monroe DM, Sauna ZE, Peters R, Komar AA, Kimchi-Sarfaty C. J Med Genet 54 338-345 (2017)
  2. Sodium-site in serine protease domain of human coagulation factor IXa: evidence from the crystal structure and molecular dynamics simulations study. Vadivel K, Schreuder HA, Liesum A, Schmidt AE, Goldsmith G, Bajaj SP. J Thromb Haemost 17 574-584 (2019)

Reviews citing this publication (2)

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  2. The Molecular Basis of FIX Deficiency in Hemophilia B. Shen G, Gao M, Cao Q, Li W. Int J Mol Sci 23 2762 (2022)

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