3hdi Citations

Crystal and solution structures of a prokaryotic M16B peptidase: an open and shut case.


The M16 family of zinc peptidases comprises a pair of homologous domains that form two halves of a "clam-shell" surrounding the active site. The M16A and M16C subfamilies form one class ("peptidasomes"): they degrade 30-70 residue peptides, and adopt both open and closed conformations. The eukaryotic M16B subfamily forms a second class ("processing proteases"): they adopt a single partly-open conformation that enables them to cleave signal sequences from larger proteins. Here, we report the solution and crystal structures of a prokaryotic M16B peptidase, and demonstrate that it has features of both classes: thus, it forms stable "open" homodimers in solution that resemble the processing proteases; but the clam-shell closes upon binding substrate, a feature of the M16A/C peptidasomes. Moreover, clam-shell closure is required for proteolytic activity. We predict that other prokaryotic M16B family members will form dimeric peptidasomes, and propose a model for the evolution of the M16 family.

Reviews - 3hdi mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Proteasomal Degradation of Zn-Dependent Hdacs: The E3-Ligases Implicated and the Designed Protacs That Enable Degradation. Márquez-Cantudo L, Ramos A, Coderch C, de Pascual-Teresa B. Molecules 26 5606 (2021)

Articles - 3hdi mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Crystal and solution structures of a prokaryotic M16B peptidase: an open and shut case. Aleshin AE, Gramatikova S, Hura GL, Bobkov A, Strongin AY, Stec B, Tainer JA, Liddington RC, Smith JW. Structure 17 1465-1475 (2009)
  2. Crystal Structure and Function of PqqF Protein in the Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Biosynthetic Pathway. Wei Q, Ran T, Ma C, He J, Xu D, Wang W. J Biol Chem 291 15575-15587 (2016)
  3. Information quantity for secondary structure propensities of protein subsequences in the Protein Data Bank. Kondo R, Kasahara K, Takahashi T. Biophys Physicobiol 19 1-12 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (1)

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