3ja9 Citations

Molecular architecture of the Ub-PCNA/Pol η complex bound to DNA.

OpenAccess logo Sci Rep 5 15759 (2015)
Cited: 18 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 26503230


Translesion synthesis (TLS) is the mechanism by which DNA polymerases replicate through unrepaired DNA lesions. TLS is activated by monoubiquitination of the homotrimeric proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) at lysine-164, followed by the switch from replicative to specialized polymerases at DNA damage sites. Pol η belongs to the Y-Family of specialized polymerases that can efficiently bypass UV-induced lesions. Like other members of the Y-Family polymerases, its recruitment to the damaged sites is mediated by the interaction with monoubiquitinated PCNA (Ub-PCNA) via its ubiquitin-binding domain and non-canonical PCNA-interacting motif in the C-terminal region. The structural determinants underlying the direct recognition of Ub-PCNA by Pol η, or Y-Family polymerases in general, remain largely unknown. Here we report a structure of the Ub-PCNA/Pol η complex bound to DNA determined by single-particle electron microscopy (EM). The overall obtained structure resembles that of the editing PCNA/PolB complex. Analysis of the map revealed the conformation of ubiquitin that binds the C-terminal domain of Pol η. Our present study suggests that the Ub-PCNA/Pol η interaction requires the formation of a structured binding interface, which is dictated by the inherent flexibility of Ub-PCNA.

Reviews - 3ja9 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. DNA replication: Mechanisms and therapeutic interventions for diseases. Song HY, Shen R, Mahasin H, Guo YN, Wang DG. MedComm (2020) 4 e210 (2023)

Articles - 3ja9 mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Molecular architecture of the Ub-PCNA/Pol η complex bound to DNA. Lau WC, Li Y, Zhang Q, Huen MS. Sci Rep 5 15759 (2015)
  2. p15PAF binding to PCNA modulates the DNA sliding surface. De March M, Barrera-Vilarmau S, Crespan E, Mentegari E, Merino N, Gonzalez-Magaña A, Romano-Moreno M, Maga G, Crehuet R, Onesti S, Blanco FJ, De Biasio A. Nucleic Acids Res. 46 9816-9828 (2018)
  3. The Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 DNA Repair Clamp is Found in Microsporidia. Mascarenhas Dos Santos AC, Julian AT, Pombert JF. Genome Biol Evol 14 evac053 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (6)

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