Reviews - 3jwe mentioned but not cited (2)
- Monoacylglycerol lipase inhibitors: modulators for lipid metabolism in cancer malignancy, neurological and metabolic disorders. Deng H, Li W. Acta Pharm Sin B 10 582-602 (2020)
- Monoglyceride lipase: Structure and inhibitors. Scalvini L, Piomelli D, Mor M. Chem Phys Lipids 197 13-24 (2016)
Articles - 3jwe mentioned but not cited (7)
Reviews citing this publication (17)
- FAT SIGNALS--lipases and lipolysis in lipid metabolism and signaling. Zechner R, Zimmermann R, Eichmann TO, Kohlwein SD, Haemmerle G, Lass A, Madeo F. Cell Metab 15 279-291 (2012)
- Lipolysis - a highly regulated multi-enzyme complex mediates the catabolism of cellular fat stores. Lass A, Zimmermann R, Oberer M, Zechner R. Prog Lipid Res 50 14-27 (2011)
- The metabolic serine hydrolases and their functions in mammalian physiology and disease. Long JZ, Cravatt BF. Chem Rev 111 6022-6063 (2011)
- Biochemistry and pathophysiology of intravascular and intracellular lipolysis. Young SG, Zechner R. Genes Dev 27 459-484 (2013)
- The serine hydrolases MAGL, ABHD6 and ABHD12 as guardians of 2-arachidonoylglycerol signalling through cannabinoid receptors. Savinainen JR, Saario SM, Laitinen JT. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 204 267-276 (2012)
- Metabolism of endocannabinoids and related N-acylethanolamines: canonical and alternative pathways. Ueda N, Tsuboi K, Uyama T. FEBS J 280 1874-1894 (2013)
- The Lid Domain in Lipases: Structural and Functional Determinant of Enzymatic Properties. Khan FI, Lan D, Durrani R, Huan W, Zhao Z, Wang Y. Front Bioeng Biotechnol 5 16 (2017)
- Monoglyceride lipase as a drug target: At the crossroads of arachidonic acid metabolism and endocannabinoid signaling. Grabner GF, Zimmermann R, Schicho R, Taschler U. Pharmacol Ther 175 35-46 (2017)
- Monoacylglycerol lipase - a target for drug development? Fowler CJ. Br J Pharmacol 166 1568-1585 (2012)
- Dynamic changes to the endocannabinoid system in models of chronic pain. Rani Sagar D, Burston JJ, Woodhams SG, Chapman V. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 367 3300-3311 (2012)
- Potential application of endocannabinoid system agents in neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases-focusing on FAAH/MAGL inhibitors. Ren SY, Wang ZZ, Zhang Y, Chen NH. Acta Pharmacol Sin 41 1263-1271 (2020)
- Cholesterol metabolism: a potential therapeutic target in Mycobacteria. Abuhammad A. Br J Pharmacol 174 2194-2208 (2017)
- Chemical modulation of glycerolipid signaling and metabolic pathways. Scott SA, Mathews TP, Ivanova PT, Lindsley CW, Brown HA. Biochim Biophys Acta 1841 1060-1084 (2014)
- PUFA-derived endocannabinoids: an overview. Cascio MG. Proc Nutr Soc 72 451-459 (2013)
- The Lipolysome-A Highly Complex and Dynamic Protein Network Orchestrating Cytoplasmic Triacylglycerol Degradation. Hofer P, Taschler U, Schreiber R, Kotzbeck P, Schoiswohl G. Metabolites 10 E147 (2020)
- Roles and Molecular Mechanisms of Biomarkers in Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Microvascular Invasion: A Review. Zhao X, Wang Y, Xia H, Liu S, Huang Z, He R, Yu L, Meng N, Wang H, You J, Li J, Yam JWP, Xu Y, Cui Y. J Clin Transl Hepatol 11 1170-1183 (2023)
- Fluorescence-Based Enzyme Activity Assay: Ascertaining the Activity and Inhibition of Endocannabinoid Hydrolytic Enzymes. Ciuffreda P, Xynomilakis O, Casati S, Ottria R. Int J Mol Sci 25 7693 (2024)