3t65 Citations

Germline antibody recognition of distinct carbohydrate epitopes.

Nat Struct Biol 10 1019-25 (2003)
Related entries: 1q9k, 1q9l, 1q9o, 1q9w, 3sy0, 3t4y, 3t77

Cited: 78 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 14625588


High-resolution structures reveal how a germline antibody can recognize a range of clinically relevant carbohydrate epitopes. The germline response to a carbohydrate immunogen can be critical to survivability, with selection for antibody gene segments that both confer protection against common pathogens and retain the flexibility to adapt to new disease organisms. We show here that antibody S25-2 binds several distinct inner-core epitopes of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) by linking an inherited monosaccharide residue binding site with a subset of complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) of limited flexibility positioned to recognize the remainder of an array of different epitopes. This strategy allows germline antibodies to adapt to different epitopes while minimizing entropic penalties associated with the immobilization of labile CDRs upon binding of antigen, and provides insight into the link between the genetic origin of individual CDRs and their respective roles in antigen recognition.

Articles - 3t65 mentioned but not cited (3)

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  2. Accurate Structure Prediction of CDR H3 Loops Enabled by a Novel Structure-Based C-Terminal Constraint. Weitzner BD, Gray JJ. J Immunol 198 505-515 (2017)
  3. NanoNet: Rapid and accurate end-to-end nanobody modeling by deep learning. Cohen T, Halfon M, Schneidman-Duhovny D. Front Immunol 13 958584 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (5)

  1. Glycan array: a powerful tool for glycomics studies. Liang CH, Wu CY. Expert Rev Proteomics 6 631-645 (2009)
  2. Antibody recognition of carbohydrate epitopes†. Haji-Ghassemi O, Blackler RJ, Martin Young N, Evans SV. Glycobiology 25 920-952 (2015)
  3. Breaking the law: unconventional strategies for antibody diversification. Kanyavuz A, Marey-Jarossay A, Lacroix-Desmazes S, Dimitrov JD. Nat Rev Immunol 19 355-368 (2019)
  4. The ABCs (Antibody, B cells, and Carbohydrate epitopes) of cholera immunity: considerations for an improved vaccine. Provenzano D, Kovác P, Wade WF. Microbiol. Immunol. 50 899-927 (2006)
  5. The History of Carbohydrates in Type I Allergy. Hils M, Wölbing F, Hilger C, Fischer J, Hoffard N, Biedermann T. Front Immunol 11 586924 (2020)

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