4ap2 Citations

Structural basis for Cul3 protein assembly with the BTB-Kelch family of E3 ubiquitin ligases.


Cullin-RING ligases are multisubunit E3 ubiquitin ligases that recruit substrate-specific adaptors to catalyze protein ubiquitylation. Cul3-based Cullin-RING ligases are uniquely associated with BTB adaptors that incorporate homodimerization, Cul3 assembly, and substrate recognition into a single multidomain protein, of which the best known are BTB-BACK-Kelch domain proteins, including KEAP1. Cul3 assembly requires a BTB protein "3-box" motif, analogous to the F-box and SOCS box motifs of other Cullin-based E3s. To define the molecular basis for this assembly and the overall architecture of the E3, we determined the crystal structures of the BTB-BACK domains of KLHL11 both alone and in complex with Cul3, along with the Kelch domain structures of KLHL2 (Mayven), KLHL7, KLHL12, and KBTBD5. We show that Cul3 interaction is dependent on a unique N-terminal extension sequence that packs against the 3-box in a hydrophobic groove centrally located between the BTB and BACK domains. Deletion of this N-terminal region results in a 30-fold loss in affinity. The presented data offer a model for the quaternary assembly of this E3 class that supports the bivalent capture of Nrf2 and reveals potential new sites for E3 inhibitor design.

Reviews - 4ap2 mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Structural basis of Keap1 interactions with Nrf2. Canning P, Sorrell FJ, Bullock AN. Free Radic Biol Med 88 101-107 (2015)
  2. Cullin-RING E3 Ubiquitin Ligases: Bridges to Destruction. Nguyen HC, Wang W, Xiong Y. Subcell Biochem 83 323-347 (2017)
  3. The Role of Cullin-RING Ligases in Striated Muscle Development, Function, and Disease. Blondelle J, Biju A, Lange S. Int J Mol Sci 21 E7936 (2020)
  4. Proteasomal Degradation of Zn-Dependent Hdacs: The E3-Ligases Implicated and the Designed Protacs That Enable Degradation. Márquez-Cantudo L, Ramos A, Coderch C, de Pascual-Teresa B. Molecules 26 5606 (2021)

Articles - 4ap2 mentioned but not cited (15)

  1. Structural basis for Cul3 protein assembly with the BTB-Kelch family of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Canning P, Cooper CDO, Krojer T, Murray JW, Pike ACW, Chaikuad A, Keates T, Thangaratnarajah C, Hojzan V, Marsden BD, Gileadi O, Knapp S, von Delft F, Bullock AN. J Biol Chem 288 7803-7814 (2013)
  2. Structure of the BTB domain of Keap1 and its interaction with the triterpenoid antagonist CDDO. Cleasby A, Yon J, Day PJ, Richardson C, Tickle IJ, Williams PA, Callahan JF, Carr R, Concha N, Kerns JK, Qi H, Sweitzer T, Ward P, Davies TG. PLoS One 9 e98896 (2014)
  3. Identification of KLHL41 Mutations Implicates BTB-Kelch-Mediated Ubiquitination as an Alternate Pathway to Myofibrillar Disruption in Nemaline Myopathy. Gupta VA, Ravenscroft G, Shaheen R, Todd EJ, Swanson LC, Shiina M, Ogata K, Hsu C, Clarke NF, Darras BT, Farrar MA, Hashem A, Manton ND, Muntoni F, North KN, Sandaradura SA, Nishino I, Hayashi YK, Sewry CA, Thompson EM, Yau KS, Brownstein CA, Yu TW, Allcock RJ, Davis MR, Wallgren-Pettersson C, Matsumoto N, Alkuraya FS, Laing NG, Beggs AH. Am J Hum Genet 93 1108-1117 (2013)
  4. Crystal structure of KLHL3 in complex with Cullin3. Ji AX, Privé GG. PLoS One 8 e60445 (2013)
  5. Structural complexity in the KCTD family of Cullin3-dependent E3 ubiquitin ligases. Pinkas DM, Sanvitale CE, Bufton JC, Sorrell FJ, Solcan N, Chalk R, Doutch J, Bullock AN. Biochem J 474 3747-3761 (2017)
  6. Insights into Cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase recruitment: structure of the VHL-EloBC-Cul2 complex. Nguyen HC, Yang H, Fribourgh JL, Wolfe LS, Xiong Y. Structure 23 441-449 (2015)
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  8. New strategies to inhibit KEAP1 and the Cul3-based E3 ubiquitin ligases. Canning P, Bullock AN. Biochem Soc Trans 42 103-107 (2014)
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  14. Structural and biochemical characterization establishes a detailed understanding of KEAP1-CUL3 complex assembly. Adamson RJ, Payne NC, Bartual SG, Mazitschek R, Bullock AN. Free Radic Biol Med 204 215-225 (2023)
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