Structure analysis

Complex structure of Methane monooxygenase hydroxylase and regulatory subunit

X-ray diffraction
2.902Å resolution
Assembly composition:
hetero octamer (preferred)
Entry contents: 4 distinct polypeptide molecules


Assembly 1
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Multimeric state: hetero octamer
Accessible surface area: 66249.37 Å2
Buried surface area: 54794.94 Å2
Dissociation area: 0 Å2
Dissociation energy (ΔGdiss): 0 kcal/mol
Dissociation entropy (TΔSdiss): 0 kcal/mol
Symmetry number: 2
PDBe Complex ID: PDB-CPX-146023
Assembly 2 (preferred)
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Multimeric state: hetero octamer
Accessible surface area: 66820.41 Å2
Buried surface area: 54971.97 Å2
Dissociation area: 0 Å2
Dissociation energy (ΔGdiss): 0 kcal/mol
Dissociation entropy (TΔSdiss): 0 kcal/mol
Symmetry number: 2
PDBe Complex ID: PDB-CPX-146023


Chains: B, G, L, Q
Length: 389 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 45.18 KDa
Source organism: Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath
  • Canonical: P18798 (Residues: 1-389; Coverage: 100%)
Gene names: MCA1195, mmoY
Pfam: Methane/Phenol/Alkene Hydroxylase
CATH: Ribonucleotide Reductase, subunit A

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Chains: A, F, K, P
Length: 527 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 60.72 KDa
Source organism: Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath
  • Canonical: P22869 (Residues: 1-527; Coverage: 100%)
Gene names: MCA1194, mmoX
Pfam: Methane/Phenol/Alkene Hydroxylase
CATH: Ribonucleotide Reductase, subunit A

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Chains: D, I, N, S
Length: 141 amino acids
Theoretical weight: 16 KDa
Source organism: Methylococcus capsulatus str. Bath
Expression system: Escherichia coli
  • Canonical: P18797 (Residues: 1-141; Coverage: 100%)
Gene names: MCA1196, mmoB
Pfam: MmoB/DmpM family
CATH: Monooxygenase component MmoB/DmpM

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