Articles - 4oor mentioned but not cited (3)
- Alternative evolutionary histories in the sequence space of an ancient protein. Starr TN, Picton LK, Thornton JW. Nature 549 409-413 (2017)
- Evolution of DNA specificity in a transcription factor family produced a new gene regulatory module. McKeown AN, Bridgham JT, Anderson DW, Murphy MN, Ortlund EA, Thornton JW. Cell 159 58-68 (2014)
- Intermolecular epistasis shaped the function and evolution of an ancient transcription factor and its DNA binding sites. Anderson DW, McKeown AN, Thornton JW. Elife 4 e07864 (2015)
Reviews citing this publication (15)
- Epistasis in protein evolution. Starr TN, Thornton JW. Protein Sci 25 1204-1218 (2016)
- The causes of evolvability and their evolution. Payne JL, Wagner A. Nat Rev Genet 20 24-38 (2019)
- Reconstructing Ancient Proteins to Understand the Causes of Structure and Function. Hochberg GKA, Thornton JW. Annu Rev Biophys 46 247-269 (2017)
- How do regulatory networks evolve and expand throughout evolution? Voordeckers K, Pougach K, Verstrepen KJ. Curr Opin Biotechnol 34 180-188 (2015)
- Evolution of protein specificity: insights from ancestral protein reconstruction. Siddiq MA, Hochberg GK, Thornton JW. Curr Opin Struct Biol 47 113-122 (2017)
- Evolution of transcription factor function as a mechanism for changing metazoan developmental gene regulatory networks. Cheatle Jarvela AM, Hinman VF. Evodevo 6 3 (2015)
- Mapping the Evolutionary Potential of RNA Viruses. Dolan PT, Whitfield ZJ, Andino R. Cell Host Microbe 23 435-446 (2018)
- Can the experimental evolution programme help us elucidate the genetic basis of adaptation in nature? Bailey SF, Bataillon T. Mol Ecol 25 203-218 (2016)
- Compensatory mutations and epistasis for protein function. Storz JF. Curr Opin Struct Biol 50 18-25 (2018)
- Understanding molecular mechanisms in cell signaling through natural and artificial sequence variation. Shah NH, Kuriyan J. Nat Struct Mol Biol 26 25-34 (2019)
- Diversification of transcription factor-DNA interactions and the evolution of gene regulatory networks. Rogers JM, Bulyk ML. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med 10 e1423 (2018)
- Mechanisms of protein evolution. Jayaraman V, Toledo-Patiño S, Noda-García L, Laurino P. Protein Sci 31 e4362 (2022)
- Ancestral sequence reconstruction - An underused approach to understand the evolution of gene function in plants? Scossa F, Fernie AR. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 19 1579-1594 (2021)
- Function and Evolution of Nuclear Receptors in Environmental-Dependent Postembryonic Development. Taubenheim J, Kortmann C, Fraune S. Front Cell Dev Biol 9 653792 (2021)
- Co-evolution in the Jungle: From Leafcutter Ant Colonies to Chromosomal Ends. Tomáška Ľ, Nosek J. J Mol Evol 88 293-318 (2020)