4wo5 Citations

Crystal structure of a BRAF kinase domain monomer explains basis for allosteric regulation.

Nat Struct Mol Biol 22 37-43 (2015)
Cited: 87 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 25437913


Reported RAF kinase domain structures adopt a side-to-side dimer configuration reflective of an 'on' state that underpins an allosteric mechanism of regulation. Atomic details of the monomer 'off' state have been elusive. Reinspection of the BRAF kinase domain structures revealed that sulfonamide inhibitors induce features of an off state, primarily a laterally displaced helix αC stabilized by the activation segment helix 1 (AS-H1). These features correlated with the ability of sulfonamides to disrupt human BRAF homodimers in cells, in vitro and in crystals yielding a structure of BRAF in a monomer state. The crystal structure revealed exaggerated, nonproductive positions of helix αC and AS-H1, the latter of which is the target of potent BRAF oncogenic mutations. Together, this work provides formal proof of an allosteric link between the RAF dimer interface, the activation segment and the catalytic infrastructure.

Reviews - 4wo5 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Ras-Mediated Activation of the Raf Family Kinases. Terrell EM, Morrison DK. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 9 a033746 (2019)
  2. Autoinhibition in Ras effectors Raf, PI3Kα, and RASSF5: a comprehensive review underscoring the challenges in pharmacological intervention. Nussinov R, Zhang M, Tsai CJ, Liao TJ, Fushman D, Jang H. Biophys Rev 10 1263-1282 (2018)

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