4wq4 Citations

The ATP-mediated formation of the YgjD-YeaZ-YjeE complex is required for the biosynthesis of tRNA t6A in Escherichia coli.

OpenAccess logo Nucleic Acids Res 43 1804-17 (2015)
Related entries: 4wq5, 4ydu

Cited: 29 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 25578970


The essential and universal N(6)-threonylcarbamoyladenosine (t(6)A) modification at position 37 of ANN-decoding tRNAs plays a pivotal role in translational fidelity through enhancement of the cognate codon recognition and stabilization of the codon-anticodon interaction. In Escherichia coli, the YgjD (TsaD), YeaZ (TsaB), YjeE (TsaE) and YrdC (TsaC) proteins are necessary and sufficient for the in vitro biosynthesis of t(6)A, using tRNA, ATP, L-threonine and bicarbonate as substrates. YrdC synthesizes the short-lived L-threonylcarbamoyladenylate (TCA), and YgjD, YeaZ and YjeE cooperate to transfer the L-threonylcarbamoyl-moiety from TCA onto adenosine at position 37 of substrate tRNA. We determined the crystal structure of the heterodimer YgjD-YeaZ at 2.3 Å, revealing the presence of an unexpected molecule of ADP bound at an atypical site situated at the YgjD-YeaZ interface. We further showed that the ATPase activity of YjeE is strongly activated by the YgjD-YeaZ heterodimer. We established by binding experiments and SAXS data analysis that YgjD-YeaZ and YjeE form a compact ternary complex only in presence of ATP. The formation of the ternary YgjD-YeaZ-YjeE complex is required for the in vitro biosynthesis of t(6)A but not its ATPase activity.

Reviews - 4wq4 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. The structural and functional workings of KEOPS. Beenstock J, Sicheri F. Nucleic Acids Res 49 10818-10834 (2021)

Articles - 4wq4 mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. The ATP-mediated formation of the YgjD-YeaZ-YjeE complex is required for the biosynthesis of tRNA t6A in Escherichia coli. Zhang W, Collinet B, Perrochia L, Durand D, van Tilbeurgh H. Nucleic Acids Res. 43 1804-1817 (2015)
  2. Predictive approaches to guide the expression of recombinant vaccine targets in Escherichia coli: a case study presentation utilising Absynth Biologics Ltd. proprietary Clostridium difficile vaccine antigens. Hussain H, McKenzie EA, Robinson AM, Gingles NA, Marston F, Warwicker J, Dickson AJ. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 105 5657-5674 (2021)

Reviews citing this publication (3)

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  2. Interaction between two essential, conserved bacterial proteins YeaZ and glycoprotease as a potential antibacterial target in multi-drug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Britton TA, Guo H, Ji Y. Sci Prog 103 36850419890521 (2020)
  3. Metal utilization in genome-reduced bacteria: Do human mycoplasmas rely on iron? Perálvarez-Marín A, Baranowski E, Bierge P, Pich OQ, Lebrette H. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 19 5752-5761 (2021)

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