6bbm Citations

Mechanisms of opening and closing of the bacterial replicative helicase.


Assembly of bacterial ring-shaped hexameric replicative helicases on single-stranded (ss) DNA requires specialized loading factors. However, mechanisms implemented by these factors during opening and closing of the helicase, which enable and restrict access to an internal chamber, are not known. Here, we investigate these mechanisms in the Escherichia coli DnaB helicase•bacteriophage λ helicase loader (λP) complex. We show that five copies of λP bind at DnaB subunit interfaces and reconfigure the helicase into an open spiral conformation that is intermediate to previously observed closed ring and closed spiral forms; reconfiguration also produces openings large enough to admit ssDNA into the inner chamber. The helicase is also observed in a restrained inactive configuration that poises it to close on activating signal, and transition to the translocation state. Our findings provide insights into helicase opening, delivery to the origin and ssDNA entry, and closing in preparation for translocation.

Articles - 6bbm mentioned but not cited (4)

  1. Mechanisms of opening and closing of the bacterial replicative helicase. Chase J, Catalano A, Noble AJ, Eng ET, Olinares PD, Molloy K, Pakotiprapha D, Samuels M, Chait B, des Georges A, Jeruzalmi D. Elife 7 e41140 (2018)
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  3. The Caulobacter crescentus DciA promotes chromosome replication through topological loading of the DnaB replicative helicase at replication forks. Ozaki S, Wang D, Wakasugi Y, Itani N, Katayama T. Nucleic Acids Res 50 12896-12912 (2022)
  4. The LH-DH module of bacterial replicative helicases is the common binding site for DciA and other helicase loaders. Cargemel C, Marsin S, Noiray M, Legrand P, Bounoua H, Li de la Sierra-Gallay I, Walbott H, Quevillon-Cheruel S. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol 79 177-187 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (3)

  1. A structural view of bacterial DNA replication. Oakley AJ. Protein Sci 28 990-1004 (2019)
  2. Mechanisms of hexameric helicases. Fernandez AJ, Berger JM. Crit Rev Biochem Mol Biol 56 621-639 (2021)
  3. Convergent evolution in two bacterial replicative helicase loaders. Chase J, Berger J, Jeruzalmi D. Trends Biochem Sci 47 620-630 (2022)

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