6j5v Citations

Ligand-triggered allosteric ADP release primes a plant NLR complex.

Science 364 (2019)
Related entries: 6j5u, 6j5w

Cited: 153 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 30948526


Pathogen recognition by nucleotide-binding (NB), leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptors (NLRs) plays roles in plant immunity. The Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris effector AvrAC uridylylates the Arabidopsis PBL2 kinase, and the latter (PBL2UMP) acts as a ligand to activate the NLR ZAR1 precomplexed with the RKS1 pseudokinase. Here we report the cryo-electron microscopy structures of ZAR1-RKS1 and ZAR1-RKS1-PBL2UMP in an inactive and intermediate state, respectively. The ZAR1LRR domain, compared with animal NLRLRR domains, is differently positioned to sequester ZAR1 in an inactive state. Recognition of PBL2UMP is exclusively through RKS1, which interacts with ZAR1LRR PBL2UMP binding stabilizes the RKS1 activation segment, which sterically blocks ZAR1 adenosine diphosphate (ADP) binding. This engenders a more flexible NB domain without conformational changes in the other ZAR1 domains. Our study provides a structural template for understanding plant NLRs.

Reviews - 6j5v mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. A molecular roadmap to the plant immune system. Bentham AR, De la Concepcion JC, Mukhi N, Zdrzałek R, Draeger M, Gorenkin D, Hughes RK, Banfield MJ. J Biol Chem 295 14916-14935 (2020)
  2. There's more to death than life: Noncatalytic functions in kinase and pseudokinase signaling. Mace PD, Murphy JM. J Biol Chem 296 100705 (2021)
  3. Molecular insights into the biochemical functions and signalling mechanisms of plant NLRs. Liu X, Wan L. Mol Plant Pathol 23 772-780 (2022)

Articles - 6j5v mentioned but not cited (2)

  1. Perturbations of the ZED1 pseudokinase activate plant immunity. Bastedo DP, Khan M, Martel A, Seto D, Kireeva I, Zhang J, Masud W, Millar D, Lee JY, Lee AH, Gong Y, Santos-Severino A, Guttman DS, Desveaux D. PLoS Pathog 15 e1007900 (2019)
  2. A dominant-negative avirulence effector of the barley powdery mildew fungus provides mechanistic insight into barley MLA immune receptor activation. Crean EE, Bilstein-Schloemer M, Maekawa T, Schulze-Lefert P, Saur IML. J Exp Bot 74 5854-5869 (2023)

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