6nf2 Citations

Antibody Lineages with Vaccine-Induced Antigen-Binding Hotspots Develop Broad HIV Neutralization.


The vaccine-mediated elicitation of antibodies (Abs) capable of neutralizing diverse HIV-1 strains has been a long-standing goal. To understand how broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) can be elicited, we identified, characterized, and tracked five neutralizing Ab lineages targeting the HIV-1-fusion peptide (FP) in vaccinated macaques over time. Genetic and structural analyses revealed two of these lineages to belong to a reproducible class capable of neutralizing up to 59% of 208 diverse viral strains. B cell analysis indicated each of the five lineages to have been initiated and expanded by FP-carrier priming, with envelope (Env)-trimer boosts inducing cross-reactive neutralization. These Abs had binding-energy hotspots focused on FP, whereas several FP-directed Abs induced by immunization with Env trimer-only were less FP-focused and less broadly neutralizing. Priming with a conserved subregion, such as FP, can thus induce Abs with binding-energy hotspots coincident with the target subregion and capable of broad neutralization.

Reviews - 6nf2 mentioned but not cited (1)

Articles - 6nf2 mentioned but not cited (3)

  1. Antibody Lineages with Vaccine-Induced Antigen-Binding Hotspots Develop Broad HIV Neutralization. Kong R, Duan H, Sheng Z, Xu K, Acharya P, Chen X, Cheng C, Dingens AS, Gorman J, Sastry M, Shen CH, Zhang B, Zhou T, Chuang GY, Chao CW, Gu Y, Jafari AJ, Louder MK, O'Dell S, Rowshan AP, Viox EG, Wang Y, Choi CW, Corcoran MM, Corrigan AR, Dandey VP, Eng ET, Geng H, Foulds KE, Guo Y, Kwon YD, Lin B, Liu K, Mason RD, Nason MC, Ohr TY, Ou L, Rawi R, Sarfo EK, Schön A, Todd JP, Wang S, Wei H, Wu W, NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Mullikin JC, Bailer RT, Doria-Rose NA, Karlsson Hedestam GB, Scorpio DG, Overbaugh J, Bloom JD, Carragher B, Potter CS, Shapiro L, Kwong PD, Mascola JR. Cell 178 567-584.e19 (2019)
  2. Disruption of the HIV-1 Envelope allosteric network blocks CD4-induced rearrangements. Henderson R, Lu M, Zhou Y, Mu Z, Parks R, Han Q, Hsu AL, Carter E, Blanchard SC, Edwards RJ, Wiehe K, Saunders KO, Borgnia MJ, Bartesaghi A, Mothes W, Haynes BF, Acharya P, Munir Alam S. Nat Commun 11 520 (2020)
  3. HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies elicited in humans by a prefusion-stabilized envelope trimer form a reproducible class targeting fusion peptide. Wang S, Matassoli F, Zhang B, Liu T, Shen CH, Bylund T, Johnston T, Henry AR, Teng IT, Tripathi P, Becker JE, Changela A, Chaudhary R, Cheng C, Gaudinski M, Gorman J, Harris DR, Lee M, Morano NC, Novik L, O'Dell S, Olia AS, Parchment DK, Rawi R, Roberts-Torres J, Stephens T, Tsybovsky Y, Wang D, Van Wazer DJ, Zhou T, Doria-Rose NA, Koup RA, Shapiro L, Douek DC, McDermott AB, Kwong PD. Cell Rep 42 112755 (2023)

Reviews citing this publication (8)

  1. Broadly neutralizing antibodies and vaccine design against HIV-1 infection. Wang Q, Zhang L. Front Med 14 30-42 (2020)
  2. HIV vaccinology: 2021 update. Lee JH, Crotty S. Semin Immunol 51 101470 (2021)
  3. A Zigzag but Upward Way to Develop an HIV-1 Vaccine. Wen Z, Sun C. Vaccines (Basel) 8 E511 (2020)
  4. Strategies for HIV-1 vaccines that induce broadly neutralizing antibodies. Haynes BF, Wiehe K, Borrrow P, Saunders KO, Korber B, Wagh K, McMichael AJ, Kelsoe G, Hahn BH, Alt F, Shaw GM. Nat Rev Immunol (2022)
  5. Strategies for induction of HIV-1 envelope-reactive broadly neutralizing antibodies. Williams WB, Wiehe K, Saunders KO, Haynes BF. J Int AIDS Soc 24 Suppl 7 e25831 (2021)
  6. HIV-1 Envelope Conformation, Allostery, and Dynamics. Bennett AL, Henderson R. Viruses 13 852 (2021)
  7. Innovations in structure-based antigen design and immune monitoring for next generation vaccines. Ward AB, Wilson IA. Curr. Opin. Immunol. 65 50-56 (2020)
  8. Peptide-Based Vaccination for Antibody Responses Against HIV. Combadière B, Beaujean M, Chaudesaigues C, Vieillard V. Vaccines (Basel) 7 (2019)

Articles citing this publication (59)

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  49. Highly mutated antibodies capable of neutralizing N276 glycan-deficient HIV after a single immunization with an Env trimer. Lee JH, Nakao C, Appel M, Le A, Landais E, Kalyuzhniy O, Hu X, Liguori A, Mullen TM, Groschel B, Abbott RK, Sok D, Schief WR, Crotty S. Cell Rep 38 110485 (2022)
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