6tzy Citations

Crystal Structure of a lipin/Pah Phosphatidic Acid Phosphatase

Nat Commun 11 1309- (2020)
Cited: 15 times

Articles - 6tzy mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Crystal structure of a lipin/Pah phosphatidic acid phosphatase. Khayyo VI, Hoffmann RM, Wang H, Bell JA, Burke JE, Reue K, Airola MV. Nat Commun 11 1309 (2020)

Reviews citing this publication (6)

  1. Coupling lipid synthesis with nuclear envelope remodeling. Barger SR, Penfield L, Bahmanyar S. Trends Biochem Sci 47 52-65 (2022)
  2. Lipin-1, a Versatile Regulator of Lipid Homeostasis, Is a Potential Target for Fighting Cancer. Brohée L, Crémer J, Colige A, Deroanne C. Int J Mol Sci 22 4419 (2021)
  3. Phosphorylation-mediated regulation of the Nem1-Spo7/Pah1 phosphatase cascade in yeast lipid synthesis. Khondker S, Han GS, Carman GM. Adv Biol Regul 84 100889 (2022)
  4. A review of phosphatidate phosphatase assays. Dey P, Han GS, Carman GM. J Lipid Res 61 1556-1564 (2020)
  5. Current advancements and future perspectives of long noncoding RNAs in lipid metabolism and signaling. Duan J, Huang Z, Nice EC, Xie N, Chen M, Huang C. J Adv Res 48 105-123 (2023)
  6. Regulation of Signaling and Metabolism by Lipin-mediated Phosphatidic Acid Phosphohydrolase Activity. Lutkewitte AJ, Finck BN. Biomolecules 10 (2020)

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  3. Click chemistry and optogenetic approaches to visualize and manipulate phosphatidic acid signaling. Tei R, Baskin JM. J Biol Chem 298 101810 (2022)
  4. Conserved regions of the regulatory subunit Spo7 are required for Nem1-Spo7/Pah1 phosphatase cascade function in yeast lipid synthesis. Jog R, Han GS, Carman GM. J Biol Chem 299 104683 (2023)
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