7ct5 Citations

Engineered trimeric ACE2 binds viral spike protein and locks it in "Three-up" conformation to potently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection.

OpenAccess logo Cell Res 31 98-100 (2021)
Cited: 59 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 33177651

Reviews - 7ct5 mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. SARS-CoV-2 Virus-Host Interaction: Currently Available Structures and Implications of Variant Emergence on Infectivity and Immune Response. Queirós-Reis L, Gomes da Silva P, Gonçalves J, Brancale A, Bassetto M, Mesquita JR. Int J Mol Sci 22 10836 (2021)

Articles - 7ct5 mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Structure and Mutations of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein: A Focused Overview. Mehra R, Kepp KP. ACS Infect Dis 8 29-58 (2022)
  2. Modelling SARS-CoV-2 spike-protein mutation effects on ACE2 binding. Thakur S, Verma RK, Kepp KP, Mehra R. J Mol Graph Model 119 108379 (2022)
  3. SARS-CoV-2 structural coverage map reveals viral protein assembly, mimicry, and hijacking mechanisms. O'Donoghue SI, Schafferhans A, Sikta N, Stolte C, Kaur S, Ho BK, Anderson S, Procter JB, Dallago C, Bordin N, Adcock M, Rost B. Mol Syst Biol 17 e10079 (2021)
  4. Structural Basis for the Enhanced Infectivity and Immune Evasion of Omicron Subvariants. Li Y, Shen Y, Zhang Y, Yan R. Viruses 15 1398 (2023)
  5. The SARS-CoV-2 Delta (B.1.617.2) variant with spike N501Y mutation in the shadow of Omicron emergence. Salimović-Bešić I, Dedeić-Ljubović A, Zahirović E, Hasanović M, Šehić M, Vukovikj M, Boshevska G, Vegar-Zubović S, Mehmedika-Suljić E, Izetbegović S. Heliyon 8 e12650 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (17)

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  2. ACE2-based decoy receptors for SARS coronavirus 2. Jing W, Procko E. Proteins 89 1065-1078 (2021)
  3. Anti-SARS-CoV-1 and -2 nanobody engineering towards avidity-inspired therapeutics. Obeng EM, Dzuvor CKO, Danquah MK. Nano Today 42 101350 (2022)
  4. Multivalent ACE2 engineering-A promising pathway for advanced coronavirus nanomedicine development. Obeng EM, Fianu I, Danquah MK. Nano Today 46 101580 (2022)
  5. SARS-CoV-2 cell entry and targeted antiviral development. Chen Z, Du R, Galvan Achi JM, Rong L, Cui Q. Acta Pharm Sin B 11 3879-3888 (2021)
  6. ACE2, B0AT1, and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein: Structural and functional implications. Zhang Y, Yan R, Zhou Q. Curr Opin Struct Biol 74 102388 (2022)
  7. Challenges and opportunities for antiviral monoclonal antibodies as COVID-19 therapy. Cruz-Teran C, Tiruthani K, McSweeney M, Ma A, Pickles R, Lai SK. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 169 100-117 (2021)
  8. Clinical development of antivirals against SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. Lan Q, Yan Y, Zhang G, Xia S, Zhou J, Lu L, Jiang S. Curr Res Microb Sci 6 100208 (2024)
  9. Engineering ACE2 decoy receptors to combat viral escapability. Arimori T, Ikemura N, Okamoto T, Takagi J, Standley DM, Hoshino A. Trends Pharmacol Sci 43 838-851 (2022)
  10. Foe and friend in the COVID-19-associated acute kidney injury: an insight on intrarenal renin-angiotensin system. Xu C, Chen Y, Yu J. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai) 54 1-11 (2022)
  11. Multifunctional angiotensin converting enzyme 2, the SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor, and critical appraisal of its role in acute lung injury. Oz M, Lorke DE. Biomed Pharmacother 136 111193 (2021)
  12. Passive Immunotherapy Against SARS-CoV-2: From Plasma-Based Therapy to Single Potent Antibodies in the Race to Stay Ahead of the Variants. Strohl WR, Ku Z, An Z, Carroll SF, Keyt BA, Strohl LM. BioDrugs 36 231-323 (2022)
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  14. Targeting SARS-CoV-2 and host cell receptor interactions. Lim SP. Antiviral Res 210 105514 (2023)
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  17. Virus Entry Inhibitors: Past, Present, and Future. Su S, Xu W, Jiang S. Adv Exp Med Biol 1366 1-13 (2022)

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