Articles - 7niu mentioned but not cited (2)
- Structural and functional insights of the human peroxisomal ABC transporter ALDP. Jia Y, Zhang Y, Wang W, Lei J, Ying Z, Yang G. Elife 11 e75039 (2022)
- Identification of new correctors for traffic-defective ABCB4 variants by a high-content screening approach. Lakli M, Dumont J, Vauthier V, Charton J, Crespi V, Banet M, Riahi Y, Ben Saad A, Mareux E, Lapalus M, Gonzales E, Jacquemin E, Di Meo F, Deprez B, Leroux F, Falguières T. Commun Biol 7 898 (2024)
Reviews citing this publication (4)
- Membranes under the Magnetic Lens: A Dive into the Diverse World of Membrane Protein Structures Using Cryo-EM. Piper SJ, Johnson RM, Wootten D, Sexton PM. Chem Rev 122 13989-14017 (2022)
- Genetic Analysis of ABCB4 Mutations and Variants Related to the Pathogenesis and Pathophysiology of Low Phospholipid-Associated Cholelithiasis. Wang HH, Portincasa P, Liu M, Wang DQ. Genes (Basel) 13 1047 (2022)
- Effects of Biliary Phospholipids on Cholesterol Crystallization and Growth in Gallstone Formation. Wang HH, Portincasa P, Liu M, Wang DQ. Adv Ther 40 743-768 (2023)
- Reconstitution of ATP-dependent lipid transporters: gaining insight into molecular characteristics, regulation, and mechanisms. Herrera SA, Günther Pomorski T. Biosci Rep 43 BSR20221268 (2023)
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