7sj1 Citations

Structure of the Shaker Kv channel and mechanism of slow C-type inactivation.


Voltage-activated potassium (Kv) channels open upon membrane depolarization and proceed to spontaneously inactivate. Inactivation controls neuronal firing rates and serves as a form of short-term memory and is implicated in various human neurological disorders. Here, we use high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy and computer simulations to determine one of the molecular mechanisms underlying this physiologically crucial process. Structures of the activated Shaker Kv channel and of its W434F mutant in lipid bilayers demonstrate that C-type inactivation entails the dilation of the ion selectivity filter and the repositioning of neighboring residues known to be functionally critical. Microsecond-scale molecular dynamics trajectories confirm that these changes inhibit rapid ion permeation through the channel. This long-sought breakthrough establishes how eukaryotic K+ channels self-regulate their functional state through the plasticity of their selectivity filters.

Reviews - 7sj1 mentioned but not cited (2)

Articles - 7sj1 mentioned but not cited (5)

  1. Structural basis for C-type inactivation in a Shaker family voltage-gated K+ channel. Reddi R, Matulef K, Riederer EA, Whorton MR, Valiyaveetil FI. Sci Adv 8 eabm8804 (2022)
  2. Early Steps in C-Type Inactivation of the hERG Potassium Channel. Pettini F, Domene C, Furini S. J Chem Inf Model 63 251-258 (2023)
  3. Mutations within the selectivity filter reveal that Kv1 channels have distinct propensities to slow inactivate. Wu X, Gupta K, Swartz KJ. J Gen Physiol 154 e202213222 (2022)
  4. Eukaryotic Kv channel Shaker inactivates through selectivity filter dilation rather than collapse. Stix R, Tan XF, Bae C, Fernández-Mariño AI, Swartz KJ, Faraldo-Gómez JD. Sci Adv 9 eadj5539 (2023)
  5. When Is a Potassium Channel Not a Potassium Channel? Accili E. Function (Oxf) 3 zqac052 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (2)

  1. Ionic channels in nerve membranes, 50 years on. Hille B. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 169-170 12-20 (2022)
  2. Dilation of ion selectivity filters in cation channels. Huffer K, Tan XF, Fernández-Mariño AI, Dhingra S, Swartz KJ. Trends Biochem Sci 49 417-430 (2024)

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