7ufg Citations

Entry authors: Judge RA, Jain R, Hao Q, Ouch C, Sridar J, Smith CL, Wang JCK, Eaton D
To be published
Cited: 4 times

Articles - 7ufg mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Structure of the PAPP-ABP5 complex reveals mechanism of substrate recognition. Judge RA, Sridar J, Tunyasuvunakool K, Jain R, Wang JCK, Ouch C, Xu J, Mafi A, Nile AH, Remarcik C, Smith CL, Ghosh C, Xu C, Stoll V, Jumper J, Singh AH, Eaton D, Hao Q. Nat Commun 13 5500 (2022)

Reviews citing this publication (1)

  1. Biochemical Screening for Fetal Trisomy 21: Pathophysiology of Maternal Serum Markers and Involvement of the Placenta. Guibourdenche J, Leguy MC, Pidoux G, Hebert-Schuster M, Laguillier C, Anselem O, Grangé G, Bonnet F, Tsatsaris V. Int J Mol Sci 24 7669 (2023)

Articles citing this publication (2)

  1. Cryo-EM structure of human PAPP-A2 and mechanism of substrate recognition. Sridar J, Mafi A, Judge RA, Xu J, Kong KA, Wang JCK, Stoll VS, Koukos G, Simon RJ, Eaton D, Bratkowski M, Hao Q. Commun Chem 6 234 (2023)
  2. Structural insights into the covalent regulation of PAPP-A activity by proMBP and STC2. Zhong Q, Chu H, Wang G, Zhang C, Li R, Guo F, Meng X, Lei X, Zhou Y, Ren R, Tao L, Li N, Gao N, Wei Y, Qiao J, Hang J. Cell Discov 8 137 (2022)