8dxr Citations

Cryo-EM structures of a LRRC8 chimera with native functional properties reveal heptameric assembly.

OpenAccess logo Elife 12 (2023)
Related entries: 8dxn, 8dxo, 8dxp, 8dxq

Cited: 2 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 36897307


Volume-regulated anion channels (VRACs) mediate volume regulatory Cl- and organic solute efflux from vertebrate cells. VRACs are heteromeric assemblies of LRRC8A-E proteins with unknown stoichiometries. Homomeric LRRC8A and LRRC8D channels have a small pore, hexameric structure. However, these channels are either non-functional nor exhibit abnormal regulation and pharmacology, limiting their utility for structure-function analyses. We circumvented these limitations by developing novel homomeric LRRC8 chimeric channels with functional properties consistent with those of native VRAC/LRRC8 channels. We demonstrate here that the LRRC8C-LRRC8A(IL125) chimera comprising LRRC8C and 25 amino acids unique to the first intracellular loop (IL1) of LRRC8A has a heptameric structure like that of homologous pannexin channels. Unlike homomeric LRRC8A and LRRC8D channels, heptameric LRRC8C-LRRC8A(IL125) channels have a large-diameter pore similar to that estimated for native VRACs, exhibit normal DCPIB pharmacology, and have higher permeability to large organic anions. Lipid-like densities are located between LRRC8C-LRRC8A(IL125) subunits and occlude the channel pore. Our findings provide new insights into VRAC/LRRC8 channel structure and suggest that lipids may play important roles in channel gating and regulation.

Articles citing this publication (2)

  1. Trends in volume-regulated anion channel (VRAC) research: visualization and bibliometric analysis from 2014 to 2022. Liu T, Li Y, Wang D, Stauber T, Zhao J. Front Pharmacol 14 1234885 (2023)
  2. Structural insights into anion selectivity and activation mechanism of LRRC8 volume-regulated anion channels. Liu H, Polovitskaya MM, Yang L, Li M, Li H, Han Z, Wu J, Zhang Q, Jentsch TJ, Liao J. Cell Rep 42 112926 (2023)