8hds Citations

Fine structure and assembly pattern of a minimal myophage Pam3.

OpenAccess logo Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 120 e2213727120 (2023)
Related entries: 7yfw, 7yfz, 8hdr, 8hdt, 8hdw

Cited: 3 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 36656854


The myophage possesses a contractile tail that penetrates its host cell envelope. Except for investigations on the bacteriophage T4 with a rather complicated structure, the assembly pattern and tail contraction mechanism of myophage remain largely unknown. Here, we present the fine structure of a freshwater Myoviridae cyanophage Pam3, which has an icosahedral capsid of ~680 Å in diameter, connected via a three-section neck to an 840-Å-long contractile tail, ending with a three-module baseplate composed of only six protein components. This simplified baseplate consists of a central hub-spike surrounded by six wedge heterotriplexes, to which twelve tail fibers are covalently attached via disulfide bonds in alternating upward and downward configurations. In vitro reduction assays revealed a putative redox-dependent mechanism of baseplate assembly and tail sheath contraction. These findings establish a minimal myophage that might become a user-friendly chassis phage in synthetic biology.

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