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Processed Proteins (2):
Protein Name
Representative Structures
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Available Structural Data
Concanavalin-A, 2nd part
UniProt range of the processed protein: 30 - 148
UniProt range of representative PDB 6xt6 chain A: 30 - 148
UniProt range of representative PDB 6xt6 chain A: 30 - 148
22 Number of PDB structures
7 Number of ligands
3 Number of interaction partners
Concanavalin-A, 1st part
UniProt range of the processed protein: 164 - 281
UniProt range of representative PDB 4p9w chain C: 164 - 279
UniProt range of representative PDB 4p9w chain C: 164 - 279
4 Number of PDB structures
7 Number of ligands
1 Number of interaction partners