Tree for family C57


Summary Holotypes Tree Genomes Literature


Summary Holotypes Alignment Tree Genomes Literature


Summary Holotypes Alignment Tree Genomes Literature


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align MER0492248 with type example align MER0013970 with type example align descendants of node 33 align MER0013971 with type example align MER0229816 with type example align MER0045750 with type example align descendants of node 31 align MER0045751 with type example align descendants of node 30 align MER0013967 with type example align MER0013969 with type example align MER0013968 with type example align MER0025001 with type example align MER0024998 with type example align MER0013960 with type example align MER0013959 with type example align descendants of node 26 align 27 with type example align descendants of node 25 align MER0080239 with type example align descendants of node 24 align MER0093635 with type example align MER0386085 with type example align MER0014754 with type example align descendants of node 22 align descendants of node 23 align descendants of node 21 align MER0024999 with type example align descendants of node 20 align MER0025002 with type example align descendants of node 19 align MER0278902 with type example align MER0138868 with type example align MER0013966 with type example align MER0492247 with type example align 17 with type example align descendants of node 16 align MER0013965 with type example align MER0119902 with type example align MER0013964 with type example align descendants of node 14 align MER0093634 with type example align MER0314611 with type example align MER0024884 with type example align 12 with type example align MER0025003 with type example align descendants of node 11 align MER0113845 with type example align descendants of node 10 align MER0025000 with type example align descendants of node 9 align descendants of node 13 align descendants of node 8 align descendants of node 15 align descendants of node 7 align MER0310992 with type example align descendants of node 6 align descendants of node 18 align descendants of node 5 align descendants of node 28 align descendants of node 4 align descendants of node 29 align descendants of node 3 align MER0080747 with type example align descendants of node 2 align descendants of node 32 Tree for family C57