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Summary for peptidase homologue C01.977: protein similar to testin 1/2 precursor (Rattus norvegicus)

Summary Alignment Tree Sequences Sequence features Distribution


MEROPS Nameprotein similar to testin 1/2 precursor (Rattus norvegicus)
MEROPS Classification
Classification Clan CA >> Subclan (none) >> Family C1 >> Subfamily A >> C01.977
Holotypeprotein similar to testin 1/2 precursor (Rattus norvegicus) (peptidase unit: 71-162), MERNUM MER0026807
History Identifier created: MEROPS 6.20 (24 March 2003)
Catalytic typeNon-peptidase homologue
NC-IUBMBNot yet included in IUBMB recommendations.