Searches of the MEROPS database

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Sequence P12254


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Peptide and protein substrates that are thought to be physiologically relevant are indicated by P. Peptide and protein substrates that are not physiologically relevant are indicated by N. How cleavage sites have been identified are indicated by the following evidence codes: NT = N-terminal sequencing, MS = mass spectroscopy, MU = mutation, CS = consensus sequence, LC = liquid chromatography. To see all annotated cleavages for a peptidase, click on the peptidase name.

Cleavage Site Peptidase Residue range Cleavage type Description Evidence Reference
20 unknown peptidase 1-294 P NT <%Agarwal et al., 2012[]%>
21 site 2 peptidase 1-294 N Chen et al., 2012
21 sporulation factor SpoIVFB 1-294 P Dong & Cutting, 2004
21 At4g20310-like peptidase 1-294 N Chen et al., 2012
21 PF0167 g.p. (Pyrococcus furiosus) 1-294 N Chen et al., 2012