higher order inflorescence axis
An inflorescence axis (inflorescence axis) that develops from an inflorescence axillary meristem (inflorescence axillary meristem) of an inflorescence axis (inflorescence axis).
A higher order inflorescence axis is any inflorescence axis (inflorescence axis) that develops from another inflorescence axis (inflorescence axis), and is named according to its position in an inflorescence (inflorescence). Tenth order inflorescence axis (tenth order inflorescence axis) is the greatest specific inflorescence axis order in the PO; when mapping annotations to inflorescence axes which are of an order greater than ten, or when order is ambiguous or unknown, annotate directly to higher order inflorescence axis.
Exact Synonyms
inflorescence branch (exact)
Related Synonyms
coflorescence (related)
花序枝 (Japanese, related)
Broad Synonyms
conflorescencia (Spanish, broad)
paraclade (broad)
paraclado (Spanish, broad)
class Information
class Relations
Subclass of
Related from