2deu Citations

Snapshots of tRNA sulphuration via an adenylated intermediate.

Nature 442 419-24 (2006)
Related entries: 2der, 2det

Cited: 86 times
EuropePMC logo PMID: 16871210


Uridine at the first anticodon position (U34) of glutamate, lysine and glutamine transfer RNAs is universally modified by thiouridylase into 2-thiouridine (s2U34), which is crucial for precise translation by restricting codon-anticodon wobble during protein synthesis on the ribosome. However, it remains unclear how the enzyme incorporates reactive sulphur into the correct position of the uridine base. Here we present the crystal structures of the MnmA thiouridylase-tRNA complex in three discrete forms, which provide snapshots of the sequential chemical reactions during RNA sulphuration. On enzyme activation, an alpha-helix overhanging the active site is restructured into an idiosyncratic beta-hairpin-containing loop, which packs the flipped-out U34 deeply into the catalytic pocket and triggers the activation of the catalytic cysteine residues. The adenylated RNA intermediate is trapped. Thus, the active closed-conformation of the complex ensures accurate sulphur incorporation into the activated uridine carbon by forming a catalytic chamber to prevent solvent from accessing the catalytic site. The structures of the complex with glutamate tRNA further reveal how MnmA specifically recognizes its three different tRNA substrates. These findings provide the structural basis for a general mechanism whereby an enzyme incorporates a reactive atom at a precise position in a biological molecule.

Reviews - 2deu mentioned but not cited (1)

  1. Diverse Mechanisms of Sulfur Decoration in Bacterial tRNA and Their Cellular Functions. Zheng C, Black KA, Dos Santos PC. Biomolecules 7 E33 (2017)

Articles - 2deu mentioned but not cited (6)

  1. Snapshots of dynamics in synthesizing N(6)-isopentenyladenosine at the tRNA anticodon. Chimnaronk S, Forouhar F, Sakai J, Yao M, Tron CM, Atta M, Fontecave M, Hunt JF, Tanaka I. Biochemistry 48 5057-5065 (2009)
  2. Abbreviated Pathway for Biosynthesis of 2-Thiouridine in Bacillus subtilis. Black KA, Dos Santos PC. J Bacteriol 197 1952-1962 (2015)
  3. Recent Advances in Our Understanding of the Biosynthesis of Sulfur Modifications in tRNAs. Shigi N. Front Microbiol 9 2679 (2018)
  4. Detailed analysis of function divergence in a large and diverse domain superfamily: toward a refined protocol of function classification. Dessailly BH, Redfern OC, Cuff AL, Orengo CA. Structure 18 1522-1535 (2010)
  5. An ancient type of MnmA protein is an iron-sulfur cluster-dependent sulfurtransferase for tRNA anticodons. Shigi N, Horitani M, Miyauchi K, Suzuki T, Kuroki M. RNA 26 240-250 (2020)
  6. Structural, biochemical and functional analyses of tRNA-monooxygenase enzyme MiaE from Pseudomonas putida provide insights into tRNA/MiaE interaction. Carpentier P, Leprêtre C, Basset C, Douki T, Torelli S, Duarte V, Hamdane D, Fontecave M, Atta M. Nucleic Acids Res 48 9918-9930 (2020)

Reviews citing this publication (24)

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